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Rock of Ages - Orchestra, Worship Band & Congregation

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Crown Him with Many Crowns - Orchestra, Worship Band & Congregation

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All Creatures of Our God and King - LASST UNS ERFREUEN - Orchestra, Worship Band, Congregation

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What Wondrous Love Is This - Orchestra, Optional Congregation/Choir

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Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise - LLANFAIR - Piano, Orchestra

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Carol of the Bells - Piano and Orchestra (RENTAL)

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Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing - NETTLETON - Orchestra, Worship Band, Congregation

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How Firm A Foundation - FOUNDATION - Orchestra, Worship Band, Congregation

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Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Prelude - NETTLETON - Piano, Orchestra

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Away in a Manger - Women's/Children's Voices, Chamber Orchestra

Once In Royal David's City - IRBY - Orchestra

Once In Royal David's City - IRBY - Orchestra

Celtic Fantasy on SUSSEX CAROL - Orchestra

Celtic Fantasy on SUSSEX CAROL - Orchestra

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Wexford Carol - (Lead, SATB and Strings)
