Custom handbell arrangements

Custom handbell arrangements

from $50.00

Would you like to commission a piece for your handbell choir or quartet? Commissions of public domain arrangements start at $50 and are available for quartets through 7 octaves. For works that are not in the public domain, there may be additional fees required.

What to expect: All commissioned works will be written by Andrew Duncan, who will contact you at the email address you use for the commission order. We will discuss the length, style, and general needs of your group to determine the nature of the arrangement. A draft of your piece will be emailed to you for proofing, with an optional dedication of your choice printed below the title. Following approval, a final PDF will be emailed to you for your use.

Timeline: Commissions take some time, and that time varies according to the workload and demands of each project. In general, the turn-around is 3-6 weeks.

Catalog: Commissioned works will be added to the Ring-Press catalog after a 3-month waiting period or your premiere date, unless you request that it be added sooner.

Ensemble Size:
begin commission